Slatercom Aviator Series Off-Grid Obstruction Light Systems
The Aviator Series of off-grid solar-powered obstruction light systems can easily be fully integrated with your existing setup. The Slatercom system makes use of Dialight DC-version obstruction lighting, and fixtures that are completely Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified, as well as being compliant with FAA engineering brief #76. This specific brief covers the use of solar-powered systems, to drive obstruction lighting and make it as effective as possible.
Slatercom offers a Solar Harvester power source that can be used on all its Aviator Series systems, including any exclusive door-mounted terminals and controls. This makes maintenance much easier, as well as any kind of service that has to take place. Our solution also provides customized mounting systems for battery and control enclosures, as well as for solar panels. We also offer optional obstruction lighting controls that can be fully integrated into battery or control enclosures, as opposed to using a completely separate control box.
Slatercom integrates its Aviator Series off-grid solar powered obstruction light systems. Our system utilizes Dialight DC-version obstruction lighting with fully FAA certified fixtures and compliant to FAA Engineering Brief #76 guiding the use of solar power systems to power obstruction lights.
Our integrated "Solar Harvester" solar power system is the power source for our Aviator Series systems, and this includes our exclusive door-mounted terminals and controls, making service and maintenance easier.
Slatercom also offers customized mounting systems for solar panels and battery/control enclosures. Optional obstruction lighting controls integrated into battery/control enclosures rather than a separated control box are available as well.
Learn more about our LED Lighting Systems and Installation Services.